Friday, June 19, 2009

Creating spaces that matter

So I've been thinking a lot about space.  Well, this IS my blog, so I'm allowed to wax philosophical right?  Space.... the kind of physical space or collection of spaces that compose a life.  I'm talking about spaces such as home, garden, office, etc. where we spend a big, heaping amount of time.  And then there is a different kind of space....a more "interior" kind of space that composes our emotional, spiritual and psycho/social lives.  This is the space that is reserved for relationships, spiritual life, creativity and personal discovery.  And what interests me most is the intersection of these two spaces, these "exterior" and "interior" spaces.  Because I believe that this place of intersection is where each draws influence from the other and culminates in an intentionally creative life.  This is how "spaces that matter" are created... our physical spaces are created and inspired by our interior lives and our interior lives are energized and supported by our physical spaces.  

My new business, WhiteHouse & Co., provides design services for physical spaces... back to that home, garden, office, etc.  We even provide a good bit of image consulting for the "fashion flumuxxed."  But what drives the direction of each project is the deep belief in the principal of conscious living.... an intentional approach to living creatively.  It isn't just about a pretty room.  It is about finding the deep resonance within each of us that, once discovered, manifests in beauty.  It's about creating spaces that matter to each of us, for whatever reasons we may have.

This blog is an opportunity to explore spaces that matter to you and to me.  How have you created environments that are harmonic and energizing, not to mention aesthetically pleasing? What was your process for getting there?  What inspires you?  Who inspires you?  What are the spaces you have inhabited that have been most meaningful?  What material sources do you find inspiring?  What is your style.... and why does it matter to you?  How do particular styles impact your sense of being?  Creating spaces that matter..... its a subject worth exploring.  

One of the physical spaces that matter most to me is my own home - a turn of the century farm house in College Hill.  Creating an environment that feels in harmony with my spirit, as well as my own particular style, is a vastly fulfilling experience.  My home serves as a source of energy for me, allowing me to stay connected with my creative spirit.  And while this serves my own life, it also energizes my work and fuels my ability to create spaces for others.  I'll be sharing images and stories about my ongoing home project as well as client spaces.  I'll be passing along ideas that I have found particularly helpful as well as resources that I draw on.  I hope you'll share your own spaces... home, projects, work, whatever spaces you influence and/or influence you.  

Creating spaces that matter does, indeed, matter.  Do you agree?